Thursday, February 2, 2012

Doing The Happy Dance Now!

Today started out with Cosmo; my JRT waking me up at 7am for his morning constitution. (BTW I had requested the day off from work) Then I was off to SNAP Fitness for a 20 minute workout on the elliptical and then weight work. I spent about 1.5 hours and then I had to go home and get ready for my quarterly visit to my Cleveland Clinic Endocrinologist Dr. Doshi. All my tests came back within normal parameters. My average blood glucose readings for the past three weeks were excellent. I still am on Byetta plus metformin extended release to combat some unpleasant side effects. I continue to check my blood sugar 5-6 times a day but Dr. Doshi said I can cut back a bit. I am scheduled for a bone density test and will have another visit with the dietitian to make sure I am on track.

I told my doctor about the Lighten Up contest and will send her a link to the NH article. She is encouraging me to lose more weight.

I managed to visit Starbucks for a skinny Latte and had a small salad at the Clinic.

It is a long road they say "Rome was not built in a day"!

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