Thursday, July 29, 2010

Seven is a lucky number!

Yeppers, hopped on the digital scale this pounds lost!

I didn't think I would lose anything because I was making the Dukan diet recipe for "fake mayo", which contained 2 hard boiled eggs, a bit of mustard, and a type of creamy cheese which isn't sold in the US, so I used the equivalent of non-fat plain yogurt. I did some tasting and also had about a cup and a half of the plain yogurt with a bit of cinnamon and Splenda. And I still lost weight! This program is working!

I don't miss the carbs at all.

I did a brisk walk of about 30 minutes, yes, in this heat we are currently experiencing...I was exhausted.

It was my second walk of the day, the first being with Cosmo for his afternoon delight.

We had thunderstorms last night and Cosmo became pretty scared. He went to his usual hiding place and then crawled into bed with his mommy. I didn't want to give him any Xanax because the weather has been pretty stormy and I don't want home to become an addict.

I can see it now... Cosmo addicted to Xanax selling my goods to the Gold and Silver Pawn Shop in Las Vegas for a fix! Anything for a Chumlee fix!

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