Thursday, July 29, 2010

Seven is a lucky number!

Yeppers, hopped on the digital scale this pounds lost!

I didn't think I would lose anything because I was making the Dukan diet recipe for "fake mayo", which contained 2 hard boiled eggs, a bit of mustard, and a type of creamy cheese which isn't sold in the US, so I used the equivalent of non-fat plain yogurt. I did some tasting and also had about a cup and a half of the plain yogurt with a bit of cinnamon and Splenda. And I still lost weight! This program is working!

I don't miss the carbs at all.

I did a brisk walk of about 30 minutes, yes, in this heat we are currently experiencing...I was exhausted.

It was my second walk of the day, the first being with Cosmo for his afternoon delight.

We had thunderstorms last night and Cosmo became pretty scared. He went to his usual hiding place and then crawled into bed with his mommy. I didn't want to give him any Xanax because the weather has been pretty stormy and I don't want home to become an addict.

I can see it now... Cosmo addicted to Xanax selling my goods to the Gold and Silver Pawn Shop in Las Vegas for a fix! Anything for a Chumlee fix!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dukan weight loss update

I have lost five pounds as of 7/27/10. I started the program on 7/24/10. I am very proud of myself. I am not any more tired that if I was not on this program. My job is stressful which triggers binges. Especially chocolate!

If I can only find more ways to inhale the oat bran I need on a daily basis. 1.5-2T a day. I have made them into "pancakes" with Splenda, egg white, and 2T of fat free plain yogurt and they taste OK. I make them the night before and take them in a baggie to work to eat at breakfast with my protein choice, which for the past two days have been chicken breast I grilled using my George Foreman grill.

I have an appointment with my Cleveland Clinic endocrinologist on August 12th. I am hoping I show some signs of improvement.

I have been able to lower my insulin doses and my blood glucose readings have headed south....I am thrilled about this. It is because I am eating less to 20 carbs or less a day, I estimate. The oat bran does have carbs, but not many. My blood pressure is also lower to the point of getting a tad dizzy, so not I don't rush to stand up.I check for ketones, but have only had a trace so far.

I'm going to be on the "attack" phase #1 for a total of ten days, I have six more days to go. Then I will transition to the "cruise" phase where I will alternate protein days with veggies and then pure protein days. But, only a limited choice of veggies are allowed. Out are the high starch and high sugar veggies like potato, corn, beets. Basically I'll stick with salad stuff, asparagus, green beans, and the like. I have to use common sense.

According the the Dukan website I should be at my "ideal" weight by the end of the year. They said my ideal weight for s female who is 5 foot 8 inches is 161 pounds. I want to be at least twenty pounds lower than I have my work cut out!

One disclaimer...I did not join the program as it is very expensive and you have to pay via PayPal which I do not use. I have researched this program on-line and what I have found is what the Dukan website is selling. I don't need "coaching", just the outline of the program which I already have and the recipes are readily available.

Friday, July 23, 2010

How the Dukan Diet works – The French diet that is supposed to end the obesity epidemic – The Blogs at HowStuffWorks

How the Dukan Diet works – The French diet that is supposed to end the obesity epidemic – The Blogs at HowStuffWorks

The Dukan Diet

The diet I have been on has been pretty boring and I'm tired of all the protein shakes. I just found about this program. For the next seven days I eat nothing but protein and 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran a day. If I can handle protein shakes and a salad per day I can handle eating chicken and fish, maybe an egg. I can also have fat free cottage cheese and whatever is on the list. Actually I can eat as much protein as I want. I also have to drink lots of water and other liquids. Just ZERO carbs! I can do that. I start tomorrow. I have everything I need in the fridge. I know I'll lose a lot of water weight. Pishing all night long is not something I'll look forward too!

On my present program since 7/12/10 I'm down five pounds...that was two weeks ago! OK, I didn't do so well. I promised myself I would lose ten pounds before my next endocrinologist appointment at The Cleveland Clinic on August 12th. I go for blood work on the 7th. I am hoping my A1C has lowered. She is also doing a CBC as well.

The Vulture aka Giant Eagle had my favorite tuna and salmon in cans on sale...$1.00 each. I have frozen chicken breast and shrimp in the freezer. I'm hoping my daughter Chelsea eats up the rest of my salad green, or they will go bad. She is supposed to stay the weekend but has not arrived yet. There have been massive thunderstorms all night long, that is maybe holding her up. On the other side, Cosmo has been terrified I had to dose him a doggie Xanax in peanut butter.

One last note, my soul-mate is on a jet to Europe tonight and I dearly miss him!