Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I'm normal, well almost!

My tests came back and I do not have Cushings Syndrome! That is a major relief, I was scared to no end. Now I can concentrate in getting healthy and losing weight, down 7 pounds so far. Happy dance!

Cosmo is well, stayed by my side all day yesterday while I had a monster of a headache and slept most of the day. I missed work, as I could barely see out of my eyes, not too good to drive a car as well.

Cosmo is my "little superhund"! He is able to move a large rug with his teeth to another room, over carpeting as well. I don't know how he accomplishes this feat, as I have never seen him do the trick, but he is a strong little bugger. Also, I see he can move the chair to my kitchen table just enough to hop on it and grab anything he wants, like my "instant glucose" liquid gel which he ate the entire tube. Every drop! Plus the label, which has gone missing. Now, I must be diligent as not to leave anything of value on my table. Buggers indeed!

Sunday, June 7, 2009


I have lost six pounds so far. I absolutely have no appetite at all. This is a miracle drug, do take away my ravenous hunger pains, it is a true miracle. Only time will tell. So far my favorite snack: sugar free ice pops...in many flavors, I feel no guilt.

I meet with a registered dietitian via phone call later this week.

I even lost my cravings for chips, ice cream, Chinese food, but not Sushi. Anything with chocolate makes me gag.

I took my daughter to Longhorn steakhouse for a late lunch/early dinner. I had a small salad, mixed steamed veggies, plain ice tea, and a 6oz steak, and didn't finish all of the meal. She behaved the entire time. I let her have a spare DVD player and some movies.She admitted via a phone call that she took Zohan, and a few others, which I will reclaim later this week.

I know I can't live off of ice pops, but in this heat and humidity, they are refreshing.

Off to bed now, I have a 5am wake up.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Symlin the missing hormone.

My new endocrinologist from The Cleveland Clinic has put me on a new medication to help me improve my Type II diabetes; SymlinPen; https://www.symlin.com/ an injectable hormone. This medication is something that a person with a normal pancreas produces. The hormone is called amylin. I am far from normal! So far I have been on the medication for two days and have seen a slight lowering of my BG readings and a decrease in my appetite. A side effect can be nausea, but I have none so far. I started out at the 60mcg dose yesterday and just have begun today at the 120mcg dose three times a day before my major meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I need to have at my meal at least 250 calories or 30 grams of carbs. That should not be too difficult for me to manage.

I believe it will take some time for major results. The good thing this medication does is that it makes me feel fuller at a meal, and I eat less, and snack less as well. That is a great miracle. But time will tell. I am still taking sliding scale amounts of Humalog ( 5u per 50 over 150, but if below I take 3u if over 80) and long acting Lantus at bedtime. I have not decreased any of those doses yet. I am hoping to decrease those amounts along with Lantus, but my FBG is till too high.

I am also grateful that I have health insurance as my pharmacy charges over $300.00 for a months supply (4 pens). I also but a box of needles as well. This is tier II and I pay $15.00 for each prescription. My plan is to switch to all pens, which will make my life more easier.

The other problem is that I have a major vitamin D defficiency. Normal range is 30-80, I have 17.5. So, I am taking 50,000IU of Vitamin D 3x a week for 3 months, and then 50,000IU once a week for probably the rest of my life. I am still awaiting the results of my tests to determine if I have Cushing's Syndrome.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Have not been able to update in a long while...

I do apologize. Life got in the way and complications have arisen. My daughter is now living in a group home with people who have mental health issues. I have been unable to deal with her lately. She is out of control and will not listen to reason. This was the last chance, which she blew. I have tried and tried and have been unable to work things out. I nearly lost my job and my health has faultered. I am not equipped to handle her anymore. My family and BF are in agreement for her to live in a group home. She will never live with me anymore. That is the way it has to be.

I do not have cancer, in my "female" parts. That surgery went well and I am fully recovered. However I am being worked up at Cleveland Clinic for possible Cushing's Syndrome. How lovely! This is not what I need. It seems like I have all the "markers" for the disease. I am not feeling well, and I thought is was just extreme stress, but I guess I am wrong. I am undergoing tests right now, a salivary cortisol collection over two nights, and tonight is the last night. I did a 24 hour urine collection, which was just lovely, NOT! I have had more blood taken out of them than a vampire sucks...

I have seen a most excellent endocrinologist, actually three of them to be exact, and I go back tomorrow. Not looking forward to the visit. I have checked on what the treatments are and they don't look very pretty: surgery, radiation, chemo, drugs. I especially like the "gamma knife" surgery option, less invasive. Great, I can now glow in the night!

I promise I will update my blog as soon as I know more.

My JRT; Cosmo had his surgery last Tuesday. Yeppers, he got fixed! He is doing well and will be back at the dog park perhaps this coming Saturday.

Until then.