Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Crash Test Dummy.....

Well, I am testing products now to see if they will help me lose the last amount of weight that has been driving me nuts the past several months. I literally have tried everything short of starvation and spending hours chained to the gym. I have had several transgressions, so I am at fault here, but basically I have been watching what I eat. I am striving to rid myself of Type II diabetes. The Rx meds I take are: Byetta 2x a day, metformin (if I commit carbocide), enalapril/hctz (water pill), Vit D 50k (once per month), and a few vitamins.

The first product is a "stack", a fat burner called RoxyLean.


I followed the instructions and took one cap on an empty stomach this morning at 5:45am. By 6:30am I was rushed! Jittery is more like it. Also feeling a bit flushed due to the 25mg of niacin. The instructions state not to take anything with caffeine, and I listened. I had my jumbo decaff today along with three whole eggs and two whites, a diet caffeine free pop and another decaff coffee. At 9:00am, my body settled down, and not jittery anymore.

I have no appetite as I write. The Byetta usually curbs my appetite but lately it has not been working and I maybe immune to the med although my blood sugar is excellent. My last A1C was 6.

I have been following (not closely) the Dukan Diet for the past several months and since last August have lost a lot of weight. The Dukan diet is very difficult and you may need a doctor to follow and maybe the help of a registered dietitian.

What I learned is to take this supplement on a full stomach at breakfast to minimize the side effects. I'm not sure at this time if this is the right supplement for me as I have a long way to go.

The rest of the day...

I had a salmon burger for lunch with a decaf coffee and a diet pop. I drank water throughout the day. I was pretty tired the rest of the day, more like a truck hit me. I went home and had a five egg white omelet and a plate of cauliflower plus more water. I really was too tired to even go to the gym and my dog needed attention.

In conclusion this product is not for me. Maybe if I was twenty years younger and had no other health problems it may work, but I can't risk any more side effects.

Tomorrow is another day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


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Best wishes,
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